I am a woman of learnings

who teaches logic, philosophy and yoga.

Before my formal philosophical education, I received a 9-year ballet training. And sang in a pop rock cover band of

controversial musical qualifications.

I am a first gen whose entire higher education was supported by public policies through research scholarships

and other student benefit programs.

From early on, I always loved taking part in and organizing academic events.

My Ph.D. dissertation addresses conceptual aspects of a famous mathematical result,

the proof of the Four-Color Theorem.

The Brazilian Ministry of Education considered mine as

the Best Brazilian Philosophy Dissertation of 2014.

 When I was about to get my Ph.D., I got a tenured-track job at UFRGS where I taught, mentored and advised undergraduate and graduate students.

I also trained High School teachers in interinstitutional and interdisciplinarity projects.

Starting in 2016, I have been part of collective projects aiming at reshaping the hegemonic academic patterns, both from a historical-conceptual point of view 

and from a day-to-day educational perspective.

 I have always devoted myself with equal vigor to teaching and researching

-including research about teaching,

and mostly in my mother tongue.

But I published a few  

papers and chapters, some by myself

and some with dear co-authors.

Thanks for visiting!

Get in touch if you need additional information.   

XVIII Colóquio Conesul de Filosofia

das Ciências Formais

Santa Maria, Nov 2014

Photo: Ronai Rocha


Philosophy of Formal Sciences 

(Computing, Logic, Mathematics)


- Logic

- History of Women Logicians and Philosophers

- Epistemology

- Methos for teaching Logic and Philosophy

- Interdisciplinary teacher training

- History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

- Philosophy of Language


Brazilian Portuguese: native 

English: fluent
Spanish: fluent
French: fluent

Italian: reading proficiency



California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB)


Philosophy Department


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Tenured-track professor

Philosophy Department 

2013 Co-coordinator of the PIBID Filosofia UFRGS

2014::2016 Coordinator of the PIBID Interdisciplinar UFRGS - Campus do Vale.

[PIBID is the acronym for a federal scholarship policy for recruiting teacher training students].

Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-Rio)


School of Social Sciences


Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)

Associate professor

Philosophy Department

2021::2023 on unpaid leave

2018::2019 Coordinator of the Licenciatura em Filosofia (Philosophy Undergraduate Program)

2018::2019 Co-coordinator of the RP – Filosofia UFSM.

[RP is the Brazilian acronym for a federal scholarship policy for retaining teacher training students.]



FÓTON Pré-vestibulares

After obtaining my master's degree, I taught logic and philosophy in another preparatory course.

UFSM was then pioneering an interdisciplinary way of including philosophy at its entrance exams.

At FÓTON I experienced the challenge of creating new pedagogical materials from scratch, since there were no textbooks fitting the model of the philosophy exams - a mixture of questions about the history of philosophy, themes and problems ranging from ethics and political philosophy to semiotic, logic, epistemology and philosophy of science.   


Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


Department of Philosophy


Práxis Pré-vestibular Popular

During my training as a teacher, I volunteered to teach philosophy in a community project developed by other students from my university, to prepare low-income people for the entrance exams. At Práxis I learned how to recruit, how to design curricula and syllabi, how to create course materials, how to work in highly interdisciplinary and collaborative teams, how to assess our pedagogical performances.